
May 12, 2014

I have a new book out!! :D

The new book Wolves in Street Clothing is on Amazon!

"Wolves in Street Clothing: How Animal Behavior Teaches Survival in the Asphalt Jungle will give you a new light in which to see human predatory behavior. As we move farther and farther from our roots insulating ourselves in technology and air conditioned homes we get disconnected from the inherent and innate aspects of understanding the precursors to violent behavior.

Violence is not always emotionally bound, often and in the animal kingdom is simply a tool to access a needed resource –or to protect an essential resource. Distance, encroachment, and signals are keys to avoiding a predator. Why would a cougar attack a man after a bike ride? Why would a bear attack a man in a hot tub? Why would a thug rob one person and not another? The predatory animal mind holds many of the keys to the answer to these questions.

Learn drills for skills that will help you tune your focus and move through life safer and more aware of your surroundings as sections of Wolves in Street Clothing bring old world survival skills into the modern jungle."

Wolves in Street Clothing

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